Living: A Multitasking Mess

I shouldn’t multitask. It can have unhappy consequences. Like earlier this week when I slipped this pan of cookies in the oven, then interested Evan in some toys, put Madelyn down for a nap and started in on a work project. It wasn’t until the smell of burning sugar and butter made its way from my oven, through the kitchen and into the next room that I remembered I had even made cookies…let alone put them in the oven. It was a sad, sad day at our house. And I didn’t even have any cookies to help make me feel better. 

4 thoughts on “Living: A Multitasking Mess

  1. This picture reminds me of the time when my attempt to multi-task “made” me forget to put flour in my oatmeal cookies! What a mess! Ha-ha. At least we try! 🙂

  2. Oh no! Guess there is always truth in the saying, “The hurrier I go…the behinder I get!! ” or maybe it should be “Take time to stop and smell the cookies….before they burn 🙂

  3. Oh no! Guess there is always truth in the saying, “The hurrier I go…the behinder I get!! ” or maybe it should be “Take time to stop and smell the cookies….before they burn 🙂

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